Friday, March 14, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday! All I can say is thank god it is the weekend. What a week.

1. Frozen comes out on DVD on Tuesday and I may be more excited than your average 6 year old. It's okay. I preordered the DVD on Amazon and can't wait for it to ship! I am adding it to my Disney collection in addition to all the other Disney DVDs I have bought in the past few weeks (Lilo & Stitch, Dumbo, Pocahantas, Pocahantas II, Fox & The Hound, Fox & The Hound II (it was a double back), Snow White, The Princess and the Frog, Sleeping Beauty, Toy Story 2 & 3...etc). I may have a problem, ha!

2. Two weeks ago I wrote about the horrible experience I had at Ruby Tuesday's. Never want to go there again. I have never formally wrote in a complaint to a restaurant but this time, I did. I wrote a complaint, the district manager called me and apologized. He said he was completely embarassed and is requiring the staff of that restaurant to be retrained. Plus, he sent me a $20 coupon to try another location to see if I had a better experience. I will give it a whirl just because I am surprised they actually responded,

3. Girl Scout cookies are here!! I can't help that I ordered a bunch of Thin Mints & Tag-a-longs from my niece. Thank goodness I didn't give those up for Lent.

4. Who else is happy that The Bachelor with Juan Pablo is over? ES OKAY! I am so excited it is over. In all actuality, I had been looking forward to it. Bringing a Latin flavor to the show. But I am super excited that Andi is the next Bachelorette!

5. The group of people I work with at school. It's like a family. When someone is having a bad day (like me this week), everyone tries to make that person cheer up. When I get my own fulltime teaching job (if that ever happens) I will greatly miss them. For now, I cherish each day & the memories we share.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! ::givesyouhighfive:: YES! I'm SO so glad that Juan Pablo no longer plagues my TV. I know I could quit it--but I'd already committed so much time that I felt like I had to see it through. Plus--I kept telling myself it would get better each week. It didn't. I'm excited for Andi's season--but only if she ditches the ombre' look haha!
